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See our Visual Skin Assessment Guide to help determine the best laser treatment for your skin.

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Eliminate Vascular Spots & Lesions

Vascular lesions and spider veins appear when certain veins or capillaries get damaged, making them appear on the skin’s surface. You may also develop rosacea because of broken capillaries just underneath your skin. Laser vein treatment allows us to destroy the damaged blood vessels and facilitate their eventual removal, helping you achieve smooth skin. The Med Spa of New Smyrna Beach uses cutting-edge laser devices to address your specific vascular lesions.

How Laser Vein Treatment Works

Laser vein treatment involves channeling specific wavelengths of laser energy into the damaged blood vessels and capillaries. The laser energy specifically targets the pigment in the damaged vessels and destroys them completely. Over time, the damaged blood vessels turn into scar tissues, eventually reabsorbed and metabolized by the body, making them fade away from the skin’s surface. Within a few sessions, you can achieve completely clear skin.

Laser Vein Treatment Corrects:

  • Telangiectasia
  • Spider veins
  • Small facial veins
  • Angiomas
  • Rosacea
  • Broken capillaries
  • Other vascular lesions

Benefits of Laser Vein Treatment:

  • Non-invasive treatment for vascular lesions
  • Destroys and removes damaged veins
  • Improves overall skin tone and complexion
  • Ensures quick and painless recovery
  • Personalized according to your conditions
  • Minimal post-treatment side effects
  • Resume your daily activities immediately

Our Patient-Centric Approach to Laser Vein Treatment

The Med Spa of New Smyrna Beach offers a highly personalized and patient-centric laser vein treatment. Our medical providers carefully examine your skin, discuss your goals and concerns, review your medical history, and evaluate your vascular lesions. They determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and curate a personalized treatment plan to target your specific spider veins and vascular lesions. Each treatment is personalized to ensure optimal results.

Laser Vein Treatment FAQs

What are the side effects of laser vein treatment?

The most common side effects of laser vein treatment are mild swelling, bruising, redness, tenderness, and itching. These side effects go away within a few days to a few weeks. The targeted veins will also look darker after the treatment because they’ll turn into hardened scar tissues, but that’s a part of the process. The scar tissues eventually get resorbed by the body.

When will my unwanted spider veins disappear?

Your unwanted spider veins and vascular lesions will gradually disappear over several weeks as the scar tissues get metabolized by your body. The results improve over multiple treatments, so you must complete your entire treatment plan.

How many laser vein treatments do I need?

Most patients need 3 to 4 laser vein treatments spaced a month apart to achieve optimal results. However, the specific number of treatments necessary will depend on the number, location, and size of the unwanted veins and spots.

Experience. Trust. Results.

The Med Spa of New Smyrna Beach is a luxurious medical spa and wellness center dedicated to helping you achieve smooth skin without unhealthy veins. Our medical providers curate personalized treatment plans to revitalize your complexion without damaging your skin. Furthermore, we ensure you feel safe and supported through every stage of your laser vein treatment. Please schedule an appointment to learn more about laser vein treatment.

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